ANBI Publication Details

General information

Stichting Kans voor PKAN kinderen

KvK number: 7022604
RSIN number: 858201057
Address: Barentszplein 10f, 1013 NJ Amsterdam
Telephone: +31655877442


IBAN: NL88TRIO0338849718

Board composition

The board of foundation Kans voor PKAN Kinderen consists out of:

President: Hedy Weijtens

Hedy was the principal of an elementary school and of a special eduction school in Leiden. Currently she is president of the board of AED (Ambulante Educatieve Dienst).

Treasurer: Berry van Middendorp

Berry is father of a son with PKAN and works as CEO and founder of IXO Group (webshop focussed on healthcare).

Secretary: Lex Peters

Lex is grandfather of a grandson with PKAN and Professor in oncological gynecology at Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum.

Objective (according to the statutes)

The foundation aims to:

  1. Financially support research aimed at finding treatment and healing of degenerative diseases and in particular the disease Pantothenaat Kinase Associated Neurodegeneration (“PKAN”);
  2. inform and coordinate the research mentioned under a. for those involved and interested in PKAN, including scientists and physicians;
  3. everything that is directly or indirectly related to the foregoing or that may be conducive to this, all in the broadest sense of the word.


The foundation tries to achieve this goal by (article 3 founding act):

  1. the raising of funds for the purpose described in article 2;
  2. the development, deployment and exploitation of (communication) resources to bring to the attention PKAN and the aim described in article 2;
  3. everything that is directly or indirectly related to the foregoing or that may be conducive to this, all in the broadest sense of the word. “

For more information about our impact, you can find the complete policy plan here.